Nancy Campbell Academy provides Ontario ministry-certified education for grades 7-12 at our Stratford campus.
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English & Literature
Civics (Politics)
World Citizenship
Technology & Media
Computer Science
Phys. Ed
Fine Arts
Short-Term Programmes
In addition to our regular full-time curriculum, we offer specialized, customized, short-term programmes to international groups throughout the year. We also hold summer camp programs for local and international students.
English & Literature

Dr. Melissa Walker, PhD.
English, Fine Arts
Horticulture Garden Project

Ms. Kristin Schaefer, OCT.
Using the Ontario Curriculum, our teachers help Grades 7-12 students become adept in four strands of communication, including oral speaking and listening, reading, writing, and media. We expose students to a range of literary forms from various time periods and nations and encourage them to think critically about these texts’ relationships to historical context, social justice issues, and to the students’ own understanding of the world. Every grade builds upon the knowledge and skills acquired in the one preceding it. We review and add to a list of literary terms required for conducting literary analysis in oral discussion and writing. With each successive grade, students also engage in a more rigorous process of essay planning, writing, and peer editing. Finally, students acquire increasingly sophisticated skills in processing, research, and presenting that are needed in post secondary and in the workplace.

Mrs. Christina Söderström, MMedSc, B.Ed.
Science, Biology, Chemistry

Ms. Tigist Beyene, B. Sc.
At Nancy Campbell Academy, students are exposed to an equal balance of inquiry and expository based sciences, in all streams (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth and Space). In all streams, students are asked to explore the unknown with an inquisitive mind and are encouraged to ask questions and search for answers.

Mrs. Sonja Rowhani, M.Sc.

Mr. Paul Blois, B.Sc, B.Ed.
Data Management
Nancy Campbell Academy offers a blended Math program. Our advantage of small class sizes and mentorship allows teachers to build knowing relationships with your child. That strong rapport enables the teacher to differentiate instruction of the curriculum according to each student’s needs. This enables your child to feel comfortable, engaged and encourages continual learning in the mathematics classroom.

Mr. Luke Simard, B.Ps.
French, ESL
Phys. Education, Study Hall

Mrs. Matty Thimm, M.Sc.
With French as one of Canada’s official languages, and with a second language credit required for the Ontario Secondary School diploma, Nancy Campbell offers a minimum of Grade 9 French. When interest is high, additional levels can be added. In addition to French, the “Learning Your Language” club meets once a week at residence to explore various languages represented by our students from around the world!
English as a Second Language

Derek Ritsma, M.Ed
Horticulture Garden Project

Mr. Luke Simard, B.Ps.
Phys. Education, Study Hall
As per the Ontario grade 7 – 12 curriculum, the ESL program at Nancy Campbell focuses on four main aspects, listening and speaking, reading, writing, and socio-cultural competence and media literacy. In keeping with our schools vision of fostering wise and globally conscious young adults, while also recognising the need for international students to adapt and accostomize themselves to life in Canada, our ESL program seeks to expose students to local, national, and international material. At the local level this includes excursions around Stratford in order to help students both orient themselves and take advantage of the opportunities available to them in the city. Nationally, students will learn about the various provinces and history of Canada as well as the expectations and methods of the Ontario education system at large. In terms of international sources, students are exposed to literary and real world material from various other countries and are encouraged to make connections between these three areas of focus. Furthermore, a focus is placed on the root words and prefixes/suffixes of the English language that not only helps foster connections between English and other languages, but also allows students to derive the meaning of complex words they might be exposed to in their other class.

Mr. Iago Davids, LLB, LLM
World Citizenship

Derek Ritsma, M.Ed
Horticulture Garden Project
Where do we come from? What makes us who we are? Where are we going to? What will become of us? Critical to humanity’s progress is the time we invest trying to understand these questions in the context of our history, environment and laws. At Nancy Campbell Academy, we explore these themes when we guide students through inquiry-based learning where they discover, through practical activities, more about the world around them!

Mr. Iago Davids, LLB, LLM
Canadian Law, Business
World Citizenship

Derek Ritsma, M.Ed
Horticulture Garden Project
In our early history, our environment defined us. As we progress and understand our surroundings, we begin to define our environment. With our study of geography, we gain an appreciation of our world and its diverse regions whilst identifying and researching issues (social, environmental, economic and political) that need to be addressed if we are to improve the world we live in. As custodians of this earth, it is our duty to nurture and protect our planet and it begins with study of our world and its systems!
Civics (Politics)

Derek Ritsma, M.Ed
Horticulture Garden Project
Politics is about how societies are governed, how public policy is developed, and how power is distributed. Civics is a branch of politics that focuses on the rights and responsibilities associated with citizenship, the role of governments, and how people can get involved in the political process and take action on issues of civic importance. The study of civics supports students in becoming informed, engaged, and active citizens in the various communities to which they belong, whether at the local, national, or global level.

Mr. Iago Davids, LLB, LLM
Canadian Law, Business
World Citizenship
“That which traineth the world is Justice, for it is upheld by two pillars, reward and punishment. These two pillars are the sources of life to the world.” The Grade 11 and 12 law course provides students with opportunities to develop an understanding of the historical and philosophical foundations of our legal system. It balances this knowledge through practical skill development in the form of document drafting, debating and researching. Our course also partners with local officials to give students the opportunity to visit the court and speak to lawyers and judges.
Social Studies

Teacher 2
Analyzing & Understanding Human Metrics
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World Citizenship

Gordon Naylor, Principal

Mr. Iago Davids, LLB, LLM
Canadian Law, Business
World Citizenship

Ms. Shabnam Tashakour, MA, OCT
World Citizenship
Junior English

Mr. Bennet Naylor
World Citizenship
Workshop Tour Coordinator
As we move towards a world population of eleven billion by the end of this century, it is impossible to imagine that present-day education systems will adequately prepare students to meet the challenges and seize the opportunities facing our planet without a profound understanding of World Citizenship. Dealing with understanding the effects issues such as the extremes of wealth and poverty in our world community will require a deep commitment to social justice. A foundation for establishing the unity required for justice is by utilizing the tool of consultation.
By improving the quality of communication among peoples and nations, we become more empathetic and understanding. Consultation is the chief instrument for the education of hearts and minds and the principal objectives upon which NCA is built. A diverse student body who truly consult together will have a greater understanding and love for one another. As a small microcosm of the world, the school and small student body find ample opportunity to not only co-exist but more importantly strive for academic excellence and above all the building of moral capability. World Citizenship is the foundation of our moral framework at Nancy Campbell.
Communications Technology

Mr. Karim Rushdy
Head of Arts and Culture Director of Residence
All of our teachers are integrating technology into the classroom across every subject. A few courses revolve heavily around technology, including “Introduction to Computer Studies” and “Communications Technology”. Hardware and software are both used and learned in these courses to achieve a variety of goals, including taking apart a computer and putting it back together; coding a game from scratch; recording and editing video, audio, and pictures; 3D design; and website implementation.
Computer Science

Mrs. Sonja Rowhani, M.Sc.

Mr. Iago Davids, LLB, LLM
Canadian Law, Business
World Citizenship

Mr. Karim Rushdy
Head of Arts and Culture Director of Residence

Mrs. Matty Thimm, M.Sc.
Fine Arts

Dr. Melissa Walker, PhD.
English, Fine Arts
Horticulture Garden Project

Ms. Andrea Mclean
Art connects us across barriers of time, space and language. It celebrates our diversity, brings beauty into the world, and can promote the noblest ideals of humanity. The arts come to life and fulfill their highest purpose when they contribute to advancement of society and the betterment of the world. Arts Programs at Nancy Campbell Academy provide students with opportunities to develop their skills and capacities in various branches of the arts, cultivate their aesthetic sensibilities and explore their own creativity. Emphasis is placed on positive personal transformation through the practice of focus, self discipline, collaboration, and courage to push beyond personal boundaries. Our goal is to cultivate responsible young artists with a desire to use their artistic talents and capacities to enrich their lives and contribute to the lives of others.
Phys. Ed

Mr. Luke Simard, B.Ps.
Phys. Education, Study Hall
At Nancy Campbell Academy, students are encouraged to live a well-balanced life. As part of this, students are required to take one physical education course. This course allows students to participate in a wide variety of activities, allowing them to work individually and as part of a group to expand their capacity and understanding of the importance of being physically healthy. This course also exposes the students to the requirements of a healthy balanced life.
Learn How to Choose Happiness
Choose NCA
We believe every student has the right to be one of tomorrow’s leaders.
Nancy Campbell Academy's students are critical thinkers and moral leaders who will make a positive change in the world.